International Women’s Day 2023: Technician Spotlight
Happy International Women’s Day! Our relocation support services are performed by a network of professional technicians throughout North America. It’s a historically male-dominated line of work and today we’d like to bring visibility to our dynamic female service providers forging their own paths within it through this technician spotlight.
Meet Amanda from Washington state!
1- How did you get into this business?
Somewhat by chance. My boyfriend owns a third party services company. Shortly after I met him, I started helping out in my spare time when he needed extra hands. I eventually left my full time job and now work for him full time both in the field and by handling administrative work for the company.
2- How do you feel about being a woman in a service industry that is predominantly male?
I think it’s great! It’s fun seeing the shock on people’s faces when they ask if I’m building the crates or they ask if I am sure I can carry something. I love the “I’ve never seen a girl doing third party work” reaction that I get often from movers.
I recently had one of the office women at a warehouse come out to see for herself that there was a female technician crating a motorcycle.
3- Have you ever faced any prejudice on the job because of your gender?
Overall, people are very nice and encouraging. I get a lot of positive feedback and people that are impressed that I am working in a male-dominated industry.
With co-workers, not that it starts out negatively, but there is a noticeable difference in the level of respect I get from newer technicians after I have worked alongside them. When I first started helping out though, the lead technician I worked with wouldn’t let me do much. I eventually had to force my way into it and tell him to give something to do, even though those tasks started out small.
4- Do you have any advice for other women trying to break into a male-dominated industry?
Be persistent and don’t let anyone talk down to you!